By | Mobile Phone Number: 090-7266-1377 |
eMail : Reply directly to this home page | |
Fax Number: 03-3473-3234 |
Fare by distance | 2km | 5km | 10km | 15km | 20km | 30km | 40km |
(Yen) | 1,340 | 2,330 | 3,860 | 5,480 | 7,010 | 10,160 | 13,220 |
Time charter | 1 hour | 2 hour | 3 hour | 4 hour | 5 hour | 6 hour | 7 hour | 8 hour |
(Yen) | 4,550 | 8,650 | 12,750 | 16,850 | 20,950 | 25,050 | 29,150 | 33,250 |
* Over time fare for time charter is Yen 2,050 per 30 minutes.
Additional charges for extra support if necessary to be mentioned and discussed beforehand if possible.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.